Considering health insurance for your service dog?

As pet owners, we're all afraid of the sticker shock that sometimes comes with visits to the vet. Even things that don't seem like they should cost that much - like treating a minor infection or stitching up a bite wound - can rack up bills of hundreds or even thousands of dollars. But when your service dog needs veterinary care, you know you have no choice but to pay the bill. If you worry about surprise veterinary bills, you're not alone - and you may benefit from health insurance for your dog.

What should I consider when deciding whether to get health insurance for my dog?

Where do I find quality pet insurance for my service dog?

With all there is to consider, shopping for pet insurance can be a daunting task. Luckily, we've partnered with The Swiftest to help you navigate the pet health insurance marketplace and find the plan that's right for you and your dog. Click here to browse various pet insurance plans and receive a free quote from multiple insurance providers, or browse below.