Laws, regulations and policies

Aquaculture facilities and activities in Canada are regulated under a number of acts, legislations, regulations, and programs related to environmental management and shared use of aquatic resources. These instruments are administered by various federal, provincial and territorial bodies including the following:

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Acts and Regulations

Through the Fisheries Act , Fisheries and Oceans Canada regulates the aquaculture industry in order to protect fish and fish habitat. The Act sets out authorities on fisheries licensing, management, protection and pollution prevention.


Ensuring that aquaculture operators meet environmental protection standards helps to protect our aquatic environment and keep marine resources productive and available for the benefit of future generations. Federal fishery officers assess compliance for all national and regional regulations under the Fisheries Act that apply to aquaculture, including the Aquaculture Activities Regulations, and in British Columbia, the Pacific Aquaculture Regulations.

Fisheries Act Regulations

As outlined in the General Aquaculture Regulations Forward Regulatory Plan, amendments are underway to improve aquaculture-related content within existing Fisheries Act regulations.

The following Fisheries Act regulations are relevant for aquaculture.

Species at Risk Act

Species at Risk Act sets out authorities to support the protection of wildlife species at risk in Canada including fish, reptiles, marine mammals and molluscs. The Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, as competent Minister under the Species as Risk Act is responsible for aquatic species at risk.

Policies are established to guide aquaculture programs. Key documents include:

Province of Quebec: Request for an aquaculture site in a marine environment

In the province of Quebec, obtaining an aquaculture site in a marine environment is subject to a joint assessment process between the federal and Quebec provincial government. The assessment will determine the acceptability of the application and identify the authorizations to be issued to the applicant. To this end, a Joint Canada – Quebec guide, Application for or modification to an aquaculture site in a marine environment has been prepared to assist the proponent's efforts to obtain the necessary permits to operate an aquaculture site in marine waters.