(a) General requirements. The primary caregiver ensures compliance with construction and equipment requirements in this subsection. State or local fire officials are consulted as needed. (1) Any building licensed as a family child care home meets local minimum building codes. In localities where a building code does not exist, construction conforms to current state adopted building code. (2) If care is provided on the second floor of a multi-family dwelling, the structure meets the life safety code provisions for multi-family occupancies. (3) Electrical wiring is installed, per state and local codes or ordinances. (4) All heating and air conditioning equipment is installed, per state and local building codes. (5) Water heaters are equipped with a pressure-relief valve. (b) Exits. (1) Each room used for child care has at least two means of escape, and at least one escape is a door leading to an unobstructed path to the outside. The second escape may be an unobstructed, operable window not less than 820 square inches and large enough to allow all adults and children to escape. (2) Security bars must be hinged with a quick release mechanism inside the home with one motion to operate, or be unlocked during child care hours. (3) Child care, including naptime, is not provided for children 3 years of age and younger on any floor above ground level. (4) No story above the second level, excluding basements, is used for child care. (5) When care is provided on the second level, the second route of escape must be a safe means to ground level. (6) Space accessible only by a ladder, folding stairs, or through a trap door is not used for child care. (7) When child care is permitted on the floor below ground level, basement, at least one exit is a door leading directly to the outside at ground level. The second means of escape may be an unobstructed, operable window not less than 820 square inches and large enough to allow all adults and children to escape. Child care is not provided more than one story below the ground. (8) Every stairway is maintained free of obstructions and provides safe passage. (9) Stairways within the exits with four or more steps have a railing. (c) Doors. (1) Each door providing a means of exiting the home opens without a key and is no less than 28 inches wide. (2) Every closet door latch enables children to open the door from inside the closet. (3) Every bathroom door lock enables opening of the locked door from the outside with a readily accessible opening device. (d) Smoke detectors. (1) There is at least one operable smoke detector on each level of the home located at the top of any stairs. (2) Any room used for children's playing or sleeping, except the kitchen, has a smoke detector. (3) Smoke detectors are tested monthly, and documentation is maintained. (e) Carbon monoxide detectors. (1) One operable carbon monoxide detector is installed, per manufacturer instructions, when there is a fuel burning appliance in the home. (2) Carbon monoxide detectors are tested monthly, and documentation is maintained. (f) Fire extinguishers. (1) A portable fire extinguisher, Class ABC or BC, with a gauge is readily accessible for the cooking area. (2) Disposable fire extinguishers with a gauge are acceptable. (3) Extinguishing devices are UL-approved. (4) All fire extinguishers are replaced or serviced and tagged by a state licensed authority every three years. Replacement or service is also required when the seal is broken. (g) Heating equipment. (1) Unvented, ventfree, or open-face heaters are not used while children are in care. (2) Portable heaters are not used while children are in care, with the exception of electric oil-filled space heating units. (3) A guard is provided, protecting children from hot surfaces and open flames. (4) Fireplaces in use while children are in care have solid doors that are kept closed. (5) A stove or combustion heater is not located where it would prevent escape in case of malfunctioning. (6) Heating equipment not specifically designed or installed as a normal heating source is not used. (h) Electrical services. (1) The use of temporary wiring or extension cords as permanent wiring is prohibited. (2) Electrical outlet covers are used in all areas occupied by children. (3) Electrical device charging cords are inaccessible to 3-year-olds and younger. (4) An operable flashlight is available at all times. (i) Mobile homes. (1) Current compliance documentation with Housing and Urban Development (HUD) standards is required for family child care homes licensed in a mobile home manufactured after June 25, 1976. (2) The mobile home is anchored and enclosed to ground level with a wind-resistant material.