Digitalisation of Agricultural Policy and Policy Performance in Tanzania

Digitalising agricultural policies can produce more effective and efficient policymaking processes. Digitalisation embeds information and communication technologies (ICTs) in engaging policy actors regardless of the underlying geographical disparities. This chapter’s discussion is guided by the African Union framework, SADC strategy, and Tanzanian National Agricultural Policy that embrace information and communication technology to improve performance in meeting development goals across sectors. Specific cases are drawn for applying ICT in monitoring and evaluating agricultural subsidies, extension services, and increasing smallholder farmers’ access to inputs and financial services. The chapter argues for an enabling environment (policy) for the digitalisation of agricultural policy in Tanzania. However, competing arguments remain about whether the digitalisation of agriculture policy phases out the conventional policymaking process. Challenges limiting the digitalisation of agriculture policy in Tanzania and Africa include limited Internet connectivity, digital literacy, and low-budget allocations. It is prudent to increase budget allocation to 10% of the national budget, as the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme recommends.

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  1. Mzumbe University, Mzumbe, Tanzania Francis Aron Mwaijande
  1. Francis Aron Mwaijande
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  1. Department of Political Science and Public Administration, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya Gedion Onyango

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Mwaijande, F.A. (2023). Digitalisation of Agricultural Policy and Policy Performance in Tanzania. In: Onyango, G. (eds) Public Policy and Technological Transformations in Africa. Information Technology and Global Governance. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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